Since 2016, Woodyard has been distributing up to 10 tons of wood a week to people in exile in camps on the northern France-UK border, meeting essential winter needs.
The team works in solidarity, questioning the dynamics of oppression and humanitarian governance, offering autonomy to volunteers to better respond to the difficulties of living conditions on the border.

Channel Info Project (CHIP)
Channel Info Project (CHIP), issu de l’Auberge des Migrants, vise à combler le manque d’information des personnes exilées en fournissant des services tels que la recharge électrique, l’accès aux services essentiels, un guide multilingue, le crédit téléphonique, et des ateliers sur la demande d’asile.
We also advocate for dignified and sustainable access to services that meet the basic needs of people on the move.
Older projects
Human Rights Observers
Human Rights Observers is an observation body that aims to document and denounce state violence.
Calais Food Collective
Calais Food Collective is an association supporting displaced people in Calais.
Le Live de la Jungle
"Le Live de la Jungle" presents 39 testimonials from volunteers

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